Other Current Plans - GZT
Generalised Zoning Types developed for the Myplan project. This represents a consistent zoning scheme across all local authorities, and complements (rather than replaces) the... -
Cargo and Tanker Vessel Density
Data provided by the Marine Institute, and may also incorporate data from other agencies and bodies. The Vessel Density maps in the EU were created in 2019 by Cogea for the... -
Passenger Vessel Density
Data provided by the Marine Institute, and may also incorporate data from other agencies and bodies.The Vessel Density maps in the EU were created in 2019 by Cogea for the... -
Sailing Density
Data provided by the Marine Institute, and may also incorporate data from other agencies and bodies. -
Sea floor depth below mean sea level in metres
Data provided by the Marine Institute, and may also incorporate data from other agencies and bodies. -
Beam Trawl Fishing Effort
Data provided by the Marine Institute, and may also incorporate data from other agencies and bodies. This dataset shows the distribution of fishing effort by fishing vessels...