Planning Application Sites
This dataset contains the merged Planning Registers of participating Irish Local Authorities and includes all Planning Applications received since 2012. -
Planning Application Points
This dataset contains the merged Planning Registers of participating Irish Local Authorities and includes all Planning Applications received since 2012. -
Local Area Plan (Land Use) Zoning, Ireland
This Layer depicts the location, extent and details of Local Area Plan (Land Use) Zones in Ireland. It is a standardised composite of Local Authority zoning from individual... -
Development Plan (Land Use) Zoning, Ireland
This Layer depicts the location, extent and details of Development (Land Use) Zones in Ireland. It is a standardised composite of Local Authority zoning from individual... -
Tier 2a Sites with planning applications under consideration
Dublin Housing Task Force Q4 2019 Housing Supply Coordination Task Force For Dublin Quarter 4 2019 Returns Background - Construction 2020In May 2014, the Government published... -
Tier 1 Sites with planning permission
Dublin Housing Task Force Q4 2019 Housing Supply Coordination Task Force For Dublin Quarter 4 2019 Returns Background - Construction 2020In May 2014, the Government published... -
Other Plans (Land Use) Zoning, Ireland
This Layer depicts the location, extent and details of Land Use Zones in Ireland not already defined in Development Plans or Local Area Plans. It is a standardised composite of... -
Dublin Housing Supply Tier 1 Category
Action 2 of Construction 2020- A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector, published in May 2014, commits to the establishment of a Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for... -
2013 Planning Applications by City and County
2013 data on planning applications received and decisions made and an analysis of how many decisions were granted. -
Planning applications where material contravention of the Development Plan in...
Planning applications where procedure for material contravention of the Development Plan in 2012 was used by area 2007-2012 -
Planning applications, decisions and refusals 1995-2012
Planning applications, decisions and refusals 1995-2012 -
Planning applications by class of development 2002-2012
Planning applications by class of development 2002-2012 -
Planning Applications 2009 by County and City
Planning Applications 2009 by County and City This contains data on planning applications, decisions and the timeframe in which the decision was made organised by county.