Average New Apartment Price Quarterly - by area
Average house prices are derived from data supplied by the mortgage lending agencies on loans approved by them rather than loans paid. In comparing house prices figures from one... -
New Property Prices by agency - by year
This series includes both house and apartment prices. 2015 Figure changed on the 27/6/16 as revised data received from the Local authority Measured in € -
National New House Prices by agency - by quarter
This series does not include apartment prices. 2015 Q4 Figure changed on the 27/6/16 as revised data received from the Local authority Measured in € -
New Apartment prices by year
Average house prices are derived from data supplied by the mortgage lending agencies on loans approved by them rather than loans paid. In comparing house prices figures from one... -
New House Prices by agency - by year
This series does not include apartment prices. 2015 Figure changed on the 27/6/16 as revised data received from the Local authority Measured in €