Popular Destination
Data provided by the Marine Institute, and may also incorporate data from other agencies and bodies.Ireland’s ports play a crucial role in facilitating our economic growth and... -
Ferry Port
Data provided by the Marine Institute, and may also incorporate data from other agencies and bodies.Ireland’s ports play a crucial role in facilitating our economic growth and... -
Nature Reserves
The Programme for Government is committed to develop comprehensive legislation for the identification, designation, and management of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Irish... -
Development Plan (Land Use) Zoning, Ireland
This Layer depicts the location, extent and details of Development (Land Use) Zones in Ireland. It is a standardised composite of Local Authority zoning from individual... -
Stage 2
This web service depicts the location and quantity of all lands zoned for residential or primarily residential purposes in statutory local authority development plans and local... -
Stage 1
This web service depicts the location and quantity of all lands zoned for residential or primarily residential purposes in statutory local authority development plans and local... -
Danger and Restricted areas that coincide with Marine or Coastal Areas only
The Defence Organisation provides a broad range of marine security services; it also undertakes a diverse range of non-security related tasks in Irish waters and beyond. The...