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Ministerial Travel 2025
Data and Resources
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Title | Ministerial Travel 2025 |
Description | This data set covers Ministerial foreign travel, home travel and subsistence. The mission of the Department’s Foreign Travel Section is to provide for the foreign travel needs, both travel and accommodation, of Ministers of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. Travel and subsistence expenses not covered by the Foreign Travel Section can be claimed through NSSO separately by Ministers on official business – for either home travel or foreign travel. These costs are then charged back to the Department. In some instances costs are covered by Department of Foreign Affairs which are then charged back to the Department. Ministers will be reimbursed expenditure necessarily incurred in the course of official duty away from home or headquarters. Where possible, all travel should be by the shortest practicable routes and by the cheapest practicable mode of conveyance. This data set is updated quarterly but all costs may not be included until advised to the Department. Blank columns indicate costs still to be confirmed/determined. |
Geographic coverage in GeoJSON format | |
Geographic coverage | |
Spatial URI | |
Vertical Extent | |
Spatial Reference Systems (SRS) | |
Spatial Resolution(s) | |
Contact Person | Foreign Travel Section |
Contact Person Email | |
Contact Person Telephone | |
Update frequency | Quarterly |
Date dataset released | 2025-03-06 |
Date dataset updated | 2025-03-06 |
Period of time covered (begin) | 2025-01-01 |
Period of time covered (end) | 2025-12-31 |
OR: specify what period of time the dataset covers | |
Landing Page | |
Rights notes | |
High Value Dataset (HVD) | |
High Value Dataset Category | |
Applicable Legislation | |
Version | |
Dataset conforms to these standards | |
Provenance information | |
Language | English |
Expiration Date |