Loans broken down by loan type by quarter
Source: From lending institutions and local authorities The Loan payments dataset stops in 2007.... -
Loans broken down by interest rate type by year
Source: From lending institutions and local authorities The loan payments dataset stops in 2007. The figures on fixed... -
Loans broken down by interest rate type by quarter
Source: From lending institutions and local authorities The loan payments dataset stops in 2007.... -
New ESB Connections by Type 1994 to date
These data are based on the number of new dwellings connected by the ESB to the electricity supply but exclude conversions. The classification used for "type of dwelling" up to... -
Percentages for planning applications by area and by type in 2012
Percentages for planning applications by area and by type in 2012 -
2015 Count of Traveller Families in all categories of Accommodation
Accommodation for Travellers is provided across a range of options including standard local authority housing financed from the Department of the Environment, Community and... -
Percentages for planning applications by type of application 2002-2012
Percentages for planning applications by type of application 2002-2012 That is, outline planning permission, approval consequent on outline permission granted under the Planning... -
ESB Connections by type by area 1994 to 2004
These data are based on the number of new dwellings connected by the ESB to the electricity supply but exclude conversions and demountables. They may not accord precisely with... -
New ESB Connections (Percentages) by Type 1994 to date
These data are based on the number of new dwellings connected by the ESB to the electricity supply but exclude conversions. The classification used for "type of dwelling" up to... -
ESB Connections by Type by Area 2005 to 2013
These data are based on the number of new dwellings connected by the ESB to the electricity supply but exclude conversions and may not accord precisely with local authority... -
Planning refusals as percentage of decisions by type of application 1995-2011
Planning refusals as percentage of decisions by type of application 1995-2011 This table shows the breakdown as between refusal of applications for outline permission, full...