Unfinished Housing Survey 2017

Minister for Housing and Urban Development Damien English TD, today (7 March, 2018) published the sixth annual progress report and seventh housing survey on tackling the issue of unfinished housing developments.

This reveals a “91% reduction in the unfinished developments since 2010 from almost 3,000 to 256. 2017 saw the resolution of 165 developments”.

Minister English was speaking at the launch of the report that includes the results from the 2017 National Housing Development Survey which tracks progress on unfinished housing developments since 2010. Among the key findings of this year’s survey are:

91% decrease in the number of unfinished developments over the last 7 years; 165 developments resolved in 2017; 256 unfinished developments remaining; 74% of local authority areas now contain less than 10 occupied?] unfinished developments; and Four local authority areas have no occupied unfinished developments.

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Teideal Unfinished Housing Survey 2017
Cur síos Minister for Housing and Urban Development Damien English TD, today (7 March, 2018) published the sixth annual progress report and seventh housing survey on tackling the issue of unfinished housing developments. This reveals a “91% reduction in the unfinished developments since 2010 from almost 3,000 to 256. 2017 saw the resolution of 165 developments”. Minister English was speaking at the launch of the report that includes the results from the 2017 National Housing Development Survey which tracks progress on unfinished housing developments since 2010. Among the key findings of this year’s survey are: 91% decrease in the number of unfinished developments over the last 7 years; 165 developments resolved in 2017; 256 unfinished developments remaining; 74% of local authority areas now contain less than 10 occupied?] unfinished developments; and Four local authority areas have no occupied unfinished developments.
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    Contact Person Open Data Liaison Officer
    Contact Person Email opendata@housing.gov.ie
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    Update frequency Annual
    Date dataset released 2018-05-31
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    Landing Page https://opendata.housing.gov.ie/dataset/f168f451-de57-4883-ab19-c4f02a98a778
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    Language English
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    High Value Dataset (HVD)