ESB Connections by sector quarterly

Local authority ESB Connections do not include second-hand houses acquired by them. New units acquired under Part V, Planning & Development Acts 2000-2008 for local authority rental purposes are included. Voluntary & co-operative housing consists of housing provided under the capital loan & subsidy and capital assistance schemes. Data on this variable was not available until 1993. ESB Connections data series are based on the number of new dwellings connected by ESB Networks to the electricity supply and may not accord precisely with local authority boundaries. These represent the number of homes completed and available, and do not reflect any work-in progress. For 2005Q1, direct comparisons cannot be made with 2006, as those figures included some units built in 2005. ESB Networks have indicated that there was a higher backlog in work-in-progress in 2005 than usual ( estimated as being in the region of 5,000 units). This backlog was cleared through the connection of an additional 2,000 houses in Quarter 1 2006 and 3,000 houses in Quarter 2 2006. Due to circumstances beyond the Department's control it has not been possible to obtain a separate set of figures for the first two quarters of 2005. Direct comparisons cannot be made between pre 2009 and post 2010 data onwards. Up to 2010, completions relating to long term voids and demountables were included as new build completions. For 2009Q1, 2011Q1 and 2011 Q3, discrepencies in these quarters is explained in the Qtrly hse compls-sector county tab The most current data is published on these sheets. Previously published data may be subject to revision. Any change from the originally published data will be highlighted by a comment on the cell in question. These comments will be maintained for at least a year after the date of the value change. 2010 Q4 figure for Social Housing-Voluntary & Co-operative Housing; Malcolm Hillis - (DECLG): changed from 258 to 270 as 12 units ommitted from original 2010 figures 18/11/15 2015 Q3 figure for Social Housing – LA Housing; This was previously 8. It was changed on the 27-4-16 when revised data was received by the Department.

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Field Value
Title ESB Connections by sector quarterly
Description Local authority ESB Connections do not include second-hand houses acquired by them. New units acquired under Part V, Planning & Development Acts 2000-2008 for local authority rental purposes are included. Voluntary & co-operative housing consists of housing provided under the capital loan & subsidy and capital assistance schemes. Data on this variable was not available until 1993. ESB Connections data series are based on the number of new dwellings connected by ESB Networks to the electricity supply and may not accord precisely with local authority boundaries. These represent the number of homes completed and available, and do not reflect any work-in progress. For 2005Q1, direct comparisons cannot be made with 2006, as those figures included some units built in 2005. ESB Networks have indicated that there was a higher backlog in work-in-progress in 2005 than usual ( estimated as being in the region of 5,000 units). This backlog was cleared through the connection of an additional 2,000 houses in Quarter 1 2006 and 3,000 houses in Quarter 2 2006. Due to circumstances beyond the Department's control it has not been possible to obtain a separate set of figures for the first two quarters of 2005. Direct comparisons cannot be made between pre 2009 and post 2010 data onwards. Up to 2010, completions relating to long term voids and demountables were included as new build completions. For 2009Q1, 2011Q1 and 2011 Q3, discrepencies in these quarters is explained in the Qtrly hse compls-sector county tab The most current data is published on these sheets. Previously published data may be subject to revision. Any change from the originally published data will be highlighted by a comment on the cell in question. These comments will be maintained for at least a year after the date of the value change. 2010 Q4 figure for Social Housing-Voluntary & Co-operative Housing; Malcolm Hillis - (DECLG): changed from 258 to 270 as 12 units ommitted from original 2010 figures 18/11/15 2015 Q3 figure for Social Housing – LA Housing; This was previously 8. It was changed on the 27-4-16 when revised data was received by the Department.
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    Spatial Resolution(s)
    Contact Person Open Data Liaison Officer
    Contact Person Email
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    Update frequency Quarterly
    Date dataset released 2016-11-08
    Date dataset updated
    Period of time covered (begin) 1970-01-01
    Period of time covered (end) 2016-01-01
    OR: specify what period of time the dataset covers
    Landing Page
    Rights notes
    High Value Dataset (HVD)
    High Value Dataset Category
    Applicable Legislation
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    Provenance information
    Language English
    Expiration Date